CVS Card
1 zařízení
Dostupné k instalaci z 
mobilní aplikace Fitbit

Discard your plastic CVS card from keychain, it is on your wrist whenever you need it now.

Tip: By default, the barcode will be displayed to the cashier. Click the bottom right button will make the cover side with number shows up. The up right button can bring back the barcode again.

* For anyone your old CVS card is still in 12 digits, CVS highly recommend you transfer your account to a new 13 digits card instead of upgrade it.

upgrade v1.60s -> v1.62

- performance enhanced, app size reduced

upgrade v1.62 -> v1.70

- explain section added related to 12 digits cards

- bug fixed: saved CVS number can be simply erased by saving empty input

- simplified setting page

- performance improvements



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