Diese App ist kostenpflichtig und stammt von einem Drittanbieter, der nicht von Fitbit unterstĂŒtzt wird.
Sei bitte vorsichtig.
It's a race to the chequered flag!
Replace the 'racer' logo displayed top left with your own image.
Customise the date format and colour of each activity bar.
Your 12/24 hour clock preference may be set on your Fitbit user profile settings: https://www.fitbit.com/user/profile/edit
This clockface is free if you already purchased our Gaming Bundle. Otherwise this is a paid clockface. After a 48 hour FREE trial you may choose to unlock the clockface to continue using it. Thank you for your support, I couldn't keep doing this without your generosity! đ
More from 45six: https://45six.com/Dev/Fitbit