Full Metrics
Tyler Krebs
4 Geräte
Verfügbar für die Installation von
der Fitbit Mobile App

A watchface that's goal is to show the user everything they need in one face. This is my first Fitbit project.. bugs are expected. Please create a GitHub issue incase you do encounter any bugs if you do not know how to use GitHub please email me at tylerkrebs77@gmail.com! This project is tested using the Fitbit Simulator and a Fitbit Versa 3.

Link to GitHub: https://github.com/Coler6/Full-Metrics-Fitbit-Watchface

Current features:

Shows Steps, Distance, Floors, Calories, Active Zone minutes, heart rate, heart rate zones, date, and time.

Coming soon features:

Add battery, time with seconds and weather.

KennzeichnungenActive Zone MinutesStatistik
angeboten vonTyler Krebs

Active Zone Minutes

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