Activity Digital
Luuk Ambrosius
2 Geräte
Verfügbar für die Installation von
der Fitbit Mobile App

Inspired by Fitbit's Flare clockface.

The flare is created by heartrate, based on your resting and maximum heartrate.

Basically, the higher your heartrate => more and brighter 'dots'.

The clock's color updates every time your heartrate changes - there are 10 colours, from blue (low heartrate) to red (high heartrate).

In the center, the time is displayed in 24-hour format (only hours and minutes) and there are 2 'arc' indicators for goal progress and battery life.

Permissions required:

- 'Activity' for the goal 'arc' and to draw the 'initial' flare.

- 'User Profile' for resting and maximum heart rate.

- 'Sleep' to turn off heart rate monitoring while asleep.

- 'Heart Rate' to display and update the flare and color of the clock face.


-v1.1: found out the clock doesn't do anything when display is off. Switched to the activity history to display the flare.

-v1.0: initial release - finally got the flare I wanted.

angeboten vonLuuk Ambrosius


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