Don't Panic
Zen Studio
3 Geräte
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der Fitbit Mobile App
Diese App ist kostenpflichtig und stammt von einem Drittanbieter, der nicht von Fitbit unterstützt wird.
Sei bitte vorsichtig.
Diese App ist kostenpflichtig und stammt von einem Drittanbieter, der nicht von Fitbit unterstützt wird.
Sei bitte vorsichtig.

Don't Panic!

Perhaps the best advice that could be given to humanity.

The broad narrative of Hitchhiker follows the misadventures of the last surviving man, Arthur Dent, following the demolition of the Earth by a Vogon constructor fleet to make way for a hyperspace bypass. Dent is rescued from Earth's destruction by Ford Prefect—a human-like alien writer for the eccentric, electronic travel guide The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy—by hitchhiking onto a passing Vogon spacecraft. Following his rescue, Dent explores the galaxy with Prefect and encounters Trillian, another human who had been taken from Earth (prior to its destruction) by the two-headed President of the Galaxy Zaphod Beeblebrox and the depressed Marvin, the Paranoid Android.

This clockface displays:

-Date 📅 ( day + day of the week)

- Time ⌛

This is a paid app that can be unlocked forever for the small fee of $1.89

tags: digital, spring, colors, cool, funny, comedy, novel, book, writing, trippy, hippie, cool, hip, fun

angeboten vonZen Studio
Dieses Ziffernblatt verlangt eine Zahlungsmethode, die in der App vom Entwickler verwaltet wird.


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