der Fitbit Mobile App
I wanted a clockface that had everything I use my watch for:
1. Log Exercise, choose between 5
2. Stop Watch and Timer
3. Activities and battery data
4. 3 hour Weather Forecast
Forecast powered by DARKSKY.net
If you have ideas for next version, contact me at clockface@umbreous.com
or check
1. Press the log exercise to go directly to the exercise interface. Choose between 5 exercises. You can leave exercise interface and go back whenever you want.
2. To set the time of the timer, press the 00:00 to add 30 seconds per press. If started at 00:00 it counts up until stopped. When stopped press it to reset to 00:00. Timer stops if you open another app.
3. Press the battery button to change to Time Left. This is an approximation calculated from how long the battery is currently draining. It takes some time to "calculate" since it needs to detect a %change. Opening another app resets the calculation.
4. The forecast updates every hour if you are connected to the phone.