4 Geräte
VerfĂĽgbar fĂĽr die Installation von
der Fitbit Mobile App
Diese App ist kostenpflichtig und stammt von einem Drittanbieter, der nicht von Fitbit unterstĂĽtzt wird.
Sei bitte vorsichtig.
Diese App ist kostenpflichtig und stammt von einem Drittanbieter, der nicht von Fitbit unterstĂĽtzt wird.
Sei bitte vorsichtig.

Welcome to Sliders!

Tap on the bottotm half of the screen to toggle between your daily stats, percentage of today's goal achieved and difference between today's goal and count. Tap on the heart icon to toggle between your current and (resting) heartrates.

Plus you can customise the colour via the settings page!

Follow us on twitter @alphabit7

* Requires a ONE TIME $1.49 payment to unlock after a 1hr trial


- Progress bars which represent the % of daily goals achieved for each stat

- Customisable colours (settings page)

- 12/24 hr clock based on fitbit profile and the date

- Your battery % and a live indicator

- Your current and resting heart-rates (the one inside the brackets) . Tap on the heartrate area to toggle between the two.

- Your daily activity stats, percentage of daily goals achieved and difference between today's stat and goal (just tap on the bottom half of the screen to toggle between the three)

Thank you for your support 🙂 Love from Australia!

angeboten vonAlphaBit
Dieses Ziffernblatt verlangt eine Zahlungsmethode, die in der App vom Entwickler verwaltet wird.


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