der Fitbit Mobile App
KAMON shows:
- Battery level of Fitbit
- Temperature and weather conditions
- Activity stat.
- Heart beat
And the most important thing - The time :D
And NOW! Plus...you can customize the colors as well! Try it out!
*Not apply to all elements.
STRONGLY recommend you to finish the 72 hours trial before considering to support us by giving a one time payment of 2.99USD.
You may need to sign up and get your free API from openweathermap.org to activate the weather service.
FB Page: http://fb.me/developersKAMON (**!!😢As of 01 Mar 2024 - the page is compromised and recently suspended...Try working this out!!**)
Please donate a thumb up and share to your friends if you like KAMON! :)
- A color customizable version of KAMON Re: