5 devices
Available to install from
the Fitbit mobile app
Payment required
This app requires payment and is managed by a 3rd-party developer that is not endorsed by Fitbit.
Proceed with caution.
Payment required
This app requires payment and is managed by a 3rd-party developer that is not endorsed by Fitbit.
Proceed with caution.

⌚️ Always-On-Display compatible

1.99 via kpay, one time purchase, no trial.

An idea initially developed via FitFace, but further developed here. Shows time as you'd expect, plus also shows time across the bottom as hour and minute boxes.

Each hour (23) is shown as thin boxes which appear every hour. The highlighted boxes are at 6 hour intervals ie. 6am, midday, 6pm. There is no midnight/24 box. Minutes are the bigger square boxes, in 10 minute blocks, at the very bottom. With each 10min block slowly revealed every minute.

Accompanying numbers (24hr time and minutes) can be displayed or hidden. As can all the health stat numbers. Progress percentages can also be displayed/hidden for each stat.

Across the top is a battery bar with boxes in 10% increments. Again, the number can be displayed or hidden, as can the regular time / date which can be displayed on the right side of the screen.

The colours of the lower blocks for hours and minutes can also be customised.

This clock face requires a payment that is managed by the developer in-app.


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