the Fitbit mobile app
PassHolder Fitbit is the companion pass wallet app that, together with PassHolder for Android (available at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.passholder.passholder), allows you to use PkPass, electronic pass like a Passbook for boarding your flight, accessing movies and other events with your ticket, redeeming a coupon. And much more!
Shows passes on your wearable to use them directly from your wrist. Showing the QR code (and many other barcode formats) associated with your pass, along with the relevant information.
Requires the PassHolder application to be running (it can be running in the background, but has to be open for it to work properly)
In order to use the companion app, you must enable the Internet permission in FitbitApp (Don't worry, we don't connect to the internet, this permission should be called "Connection" by Fitbit, and we need the Connection permission to sync with the PassHolder app on your Smartphone).
[Be aware that to avoid unnecessary usage of resources from your wearable, expired passes won't be synchronized. Additionally and also to prevent excessive data transfer, unless you deactivate "Synchronize active passes only" in Settings, only passes in your Active tag list will be uploaded to your Fitbit watch]
PassHolder is a free app to synchronize your passes, but to enjoy further capabilities there is also Premium option that you can upgrade with your Phone app.
For more information, visit our webpage: https://www.pass-holder.com