the Fitbit mobile app
Use your Microsoft Account to access ToDo tasks, to view and update them from your FitBit.
Currently only @outlook.com Microsoft accounts are validated to work. You may have some success with other types of accounts but it is not recommended.
Go to apps->ToDo-cloud->settings->login.
To Add tasks go to either outlook.com, or download the To Do Windows/Android/IOS App. Once there Add new task folders, and tasks.
if you find any bugs or want to contribute to the project see the links below.
bugs - https://github.com/RyanChomistek/fitbitToDo/issues
contribution - https://github.com/RyanChomistek/fitbitToDo
or Email at
WARNING - this App is in Alpha.
This App Is not affiliated with Microsoft or Outlook, it just uses their API's.