the Fitbit mobile app
14 day trial!
250 Steps management information.
It shows 250 Steps radial. You can see your daily steps per hour. Give it a try for at least a day. It needs data form the watch.
At 8 AM the clock gives the steps of the previous day form 12 to 6 PM.
At 6 PM the morning results make place for the evening results.
At 0 AM the clock gives the "nightly" hours. Most of the time it means 0 steps (unless you are sleepwalking...)
Added in version 2.00: Morning switch set between 6 and 11 a.m.
Added in version 1.02: Right hand side bottom gives the number of results in your 250 steps.
Any comment on this clock is very welcome. See also http://www.sailplanet.nl/fitbit
This is a paid app. After a 14 day trial it requires a one-time payment of $1.50 at https://www.paypal.me/mariodings