A collection of 35 different Drinks Versa3/Sense Clockfaces.
The Collective of 35 Drinks background images price = $3.00
To view packages click links below - for all Versa3 and Sense equivalent smartwatches
By Clockface Developer "fiveones"
Buy all 1100 clockfaces - https://rb.gy/br2ptr
Buy 1. single packages - https://rb.gy/a4yh2b
Buy 2. single packages - https://rb.gy/tv2nzq
Buy 3. single packages - https://rb.gy/i32ia4
Want real value $20 purchases all this developers 1100 clockface backgrounds. You will only be given this option when checking out from this page.
Cutting Edge Options within this clockface or moneyback guaranteed.
A Collective of 35+ different Drinks clockfaces.
This package stores all Clockfaces images on your watch for easy switching of background picture (switches image in less than 1 second).
You Just tap screens activity text/data to rotate and view next activity.
It's so easy to change to a different clock-face, just TAP upper left of watches screen to rotate to next random clock-face.
Change text colors of (time, date, steps, calories, distance, heart & azm) from your phone or digital device,accessed through your fit bit app.
Note: all package clock-faces get downloaded to watch so be patience (wait time 2 minutes).
Built: For Versa3 & Sense FitBit watches.
Built for all FitBit supported languages.
For use with Fitbit app on IOS & Andriod
click here for Versa2, Versa, Versa lite & Iconic equivalent clockfaces https://rb.gy/u0glla
beer, margarita, tequila sunrise, wine, whiskey sour, daiquiri, fun, alcohol, hot, popular, wanted, beverage, booze, shot, swig, summer, winter, fall, autumn, spring, fantasy, wonder