Cats 'n' Dogs
Watch Niche Apps
5 devices
Available to install from
the Fitbit mobile app
Payment required
This app requires payment and is managed by a 3rd-party developer that is not endorsed by Fitbit.
Proceed with caution.
Payment required
This app requires payment and is managed by a 3rd-party developer that is not endorsed by Fitbit.
Proceed with caution.

Don't have any pet at home? At least get this clockface and have a bunch of happy cats and dogs on your wrist! This clockface displays heart rate information, calories, steps, date & time.

Up to 87% discount when buying this clockface as part of a bundle:

Check the full list of clockfaces we have for you:

Unlock this clockface for a one time fee of 1.99$ after 1 hour TRIAL. Payment is possible with PayPal and CreditCard and is handled by K-Pay.

Tags: cats, dogs, pets, comics, love, heart rate, steps, calories

This clock face requires a payment that is managed by the developer in-app.


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