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This Clock face offers all in one with on-watch settings
2 type of clock with level of battery and autonomie, BPM with cardio zones, one focused stat, date, 12/24 h display,
calories calculation : Basic Métabolism Rate + out of BMR calories
stats screen with all datas and view of progress
6 colors available on watch
Night management : hours of automatic switch to night screen
3.4 version
moon phasis and sunset sunrise times on clock 2
3.3 version (adaptation from Ionic Versa version)
add feet distance management
Touch area indicators
Specific font (constant width)
Weather and seconds visibility control
Charging screen (level of battery and clock always on scren)
Included torch light (red, blink red, white)
Touch indicator for double touch
Translation in italian and spanish (german English and french already available)
Weather data (temp and icon) on main screens
double touch on
- Top-left : screen for settings : color settings (6 colors available) night settings (hour of begining and end of night) and type of clock
- Top-center : Small calendar , exit by touch anywhere
- Top-right : selection of screen mode
* Night (grey digits, background light and quickview enable)
* Day
* Auto (switch to Night screen during night hours )
- Bottom center : torch screen : double tap on top for color choice and bottom for exit
- Bottom-left : screen for battery, autonomy and synchronisation time, exit by touch anywhere
- Bottom-Right : screen for all stats vision and focus of a stat to be displayed on main screen (selected by top touch and validated by bottom touch)