la aplicación móvil de Fitbit
Weather clockface with digital and analog views. Includes current weather conditions and temperature in C and F for your current location. Weather is updated up to 10 times an hour.
** Free 48 hour trial** $1.99 after trial expires
Note From Developer on weather refresh timing. Refresh timing will be dependent on many factors and is completely handled by the Fitbit OS.
1) Stability of the communication between your Fitbit and phone.
2) The power settings on your phone
3) Fitbit OS balancing the battery life of the phone and Fitbit while still updating apps as much as possible.
4) Do Not Disturb settings on your phone.
Timing is set for every 5 minutes but can be considerably longer based on the above mentioned factors. Turning Bluetooth off/on will typically force a refresh in a few minutes.