Cyberpunk Style - Clock Face
Jonas Haberkorn
2 dispositivos
Disponible para instalarlo desde
la aplicación móvil de Fitbit

Follow your overall activity of the day with this free cyberpunk stylized clock face that you can customize.

Supports new and previous Fitbit icons and a full screen date/time only mode.

You can switch the display mode by clicking on the time displayed.

Open this clock face settings (in the Fitbit app) to access the following customization options:

- Full dashboard display (be aware that the displaying the full dashboard can use more power than the simple date/time display)

- Display the frame around the date

- Display achieved goals in green

- Use previous Fitbit icons


This clockface is not related to any Cyberpunk licence, whether it comes from the video game industry of any other industry.

The font used was made by Jonathan Harris and is called "True Lies". Some characters have been a bit adjusted to be more readable on this kind of small displays.


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