4 dispositivos
Disponible para instalarlo desde
la aplicación móvil de Fitbit
Pago requerido
Esta aplicación requiere un pago que gestiona un desarrollador de terceros no avalado por Fitbit.
Prosigue con precaución.
Pago requerido
Esta aplicación requiere un pago que gestiona un desarrollador de terceros no avalado por Fitbit.
Prosigue con precaución.

Stats shown are time, date, day, month, steps, calories, distance traveled(miles/km based on preference), battery usage, and heartbeat. Please let me know if you need more features.

set dial colors from watch itself to "red","green","teal","darkorange","yellow","lightgreen","white","Falushia","violet".

Please look at the clock face image for the instruction to change colors.

->Tap on the bottom half part to change stats and to show the next color on the top right corner.

->Tap on Top half part to make clock hands invisible for 4 seconds.

Only a one-time payment of 2$ needed after 1 hour of a free trial.

Please support me if you liked the clock by giving 5 stars

etiquetasCosa análoga
ofrecido porAshish
Este formato del reloj requiere un pago que gestiona el desarrollador mediante la aplicación.

Cosa análoga

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