Kana Quiz
Bal Pnuh
5 dispositivos
Disponible para instalarlo desde
la aplicación móvil de Fitbit

This is a small quiz tool to learn Japanese hiragana and katakana by asking you to identify the shown characters.

How to use:

- After starting the app select if you want to be quizzed in hiragana or katakana (or both in a random mix)

- You then have to select if the question should be in the Japanese characters (you have to answer the English characters), the other way around (finding the correct Japanese character to the English ones) or a mix.

- The app will then ask you a question that can be answered by selecting one of the four options.

- If you are correct will see a point and the text will be shown in green.

- If you are wrong the text will be shown in red, the watch will vibrate and you will see the correct answer.

- The app will count how many percent of questions you got right.

This app is free for you to use. But if you like to support me you can do this here: https://ko-fi.com/balpnuh

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