Christmas Colors
Watch Niche Apps
4 dispositivos
Disponible para instalarlo desde
la aplicación móvil de Fitbit
Pago requerido
Esta aplicación requiere un pago que gestiona un desarrollador de terceros no avalado por Fitbit.
Prosigue con precaución.
Pago requerido
Esta aplicación requiere un pago que gestiona un desarrollador de terceros no avalado por Fitbit.
Prosigue con precaución.

A modern holiday clockface featuring a Christmas Tree that is decorated with your help. Achieve your daily fitness goals and watch how decorations are being added! Reach all the goals for calories, steps & distance and see the blinking star!

This clockface displays battery stats, heart rate information, calories, distance & steps.

Up to 87% discount when buying this clockface as part of a bundle:

Check the full list of clockfaces we have for you:

The clockface costs $1.99. Payment is possible with PayPal and CreditCard and is handled by K-Pay.

Christmas vector created by freepik -

Tags: christmas, tree, decorations, fitness goals, calories, steps, distance, battery, heart rate

Este formato del reloj requiere un pago que gestiona el desarrollador mediante la aplicación.


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