l'application mobile Fitbit
Data belongs to user and that's where it should be ! 💯
Thanks to Consumer Data Rights (CDR) Australia 🇦🇺. This makes it more transparent for banks to share the data including Public (open) data such as banking Products via API's.
And that's exactly what you see in this app! ✅
Install and enjoy this #free #fitbit app and read banking products on the go at your wrist.
From your phone go to 'my Bank-AU' app settings and choose/change:
1 Bank 💲 🏦 💲
2 Banking Product
2.1 💰 Transaction and Savings Accounts
2.2 💳 Cards
2.3 🏠 Mortgage (residential)
3 Background colour 🔴 🔵 ⚫
To get the complete background on CDR (Open banking) in Australia refer:
🔗 https://treasury.gov.au/consumer-data-right
💡 Tip : This app is to be used for general reference only, always go to banks official website before making any financial decision.
Enjoy this clockface free for lifetime.
If you like my work and want to support me in building more exciting and #free #fitbit apps you can donate via :
☕Buy me a coffee : https://bit.ly/buyCoffee4me
📩 Paypal: https://bit.ly/my-fitbit-5
2myfitbit #Made4Fitbit #OpenBanking #CDR #products #data