SleepTank™ Clockface
IBR inc.
4 appareils
Installation offerte à partir de
l'application mobile Fitbit
Appli privée
Ce contenu n'a pas fait l'objet d'une vérification par Fitbit.
N'installez que les applications provenant de sources fiables.
Appli privée
Ce contenu n'a pas fait l'objet d'une vérification par Fitbit.
N'installez que les applications provenant de sources fiables.

The SleepTank® clockface is only available to users who have created an account in our iOS mobile SleepTank® app, available on the Apple App Store.

Directions: To sync with your SleepTank® account, go to the clockface settings and enter 1) your SleepTank® account email, 2) your SleepTank® account password, and 3) Select the login button to enter your Fitbit account information. For assistance, contact

The SleepTank® clockface monitors your accumulated sleep ”fuel” needed to power future alertness.

Track your sleep over time – not just how you slept last night – using the SleepTank® clockface.

• Displays remaining percent in your SleepTank®

• Forecasts the impact of prior sleep history on future alertness

• Reflects the cumulative quantity and quality of all prior sleep

• Calibrated to your individual sleep goal

The clockface provides three warnings when your SleepTank® is getting low:

• Bedtime: The time you should get to sleep

• Critical: A critically low SleepTank® level indicates your mental effectiveness is significantly reduced

• Empty: The SleepTank® level of zero indicates dangerous impairment equivalent to being awake for 24-hours and missing an entire night of sleep.

The SleepTank® clockface is ideal for workers who need to be alert on the job and can plan their sleep and naps accordingly.

The SleepTank® clockface is only available to users who have created an account in our iOS mobile SleepTank® app, available on the Apple App Store.

offert parIBR inc.


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