3 appareils
Installation offerte à partir de
l'application mobile Fitbit
Paiement requis
L'application est payante et gérée par un développeur tiers qui n'est pas approuvé par Fitbit.
Soyez vigilant(e).
Paiement requis
L'application est payante et gérée par un développeur tiers qui n'est pas approuvé par Fitbit.
Soyez vigilant(e).

Sci-fi clockface for your Fitbit watch with these options:

- Analog clock - Space theme (pulsar star with nice pulsing effect, planets, space objects instead of classic hour hands)

- 4 statistics in corners (Distance, Calories, Active minutes and Floors)

- every of these 4 stats is represented by its own planet orbiting the pulsar and moving according to actual goal progress

- another stats are shown in the middle (steps, heart rate, rest heart rate, battery, date) and you can toggle it by double tapping in the middle of the watch screen - steps goal progress is visualised by growing glow

- option to hide or show statistics (toggle by double tap on left side of the watch screen)

- option to hide or show planets (toggle by double tap on right side of the watch screen)

- option to change hands (by double tapping on the logo PULSAR)

For more info visit our webpage:


*Watchface requires a $1.99 one-time Kiezelpay payment (Paypal or Credit Card).


Cet affichage d'horloge nécessite un paiement géré par le développeur dans l'application.


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