Flexpool.io Data Viewer
Parker Throneberry
2 appareils
Installation offerte à partir de
l'application mobile Fitbit

This is an app that will show you information regarding your mining stats, fetched from Flexpool.io's API. It has the capability to monitor XCH, ETC as well as IRON.

It will show your average effective space, reported space, stale share percentage, and invalid share percentages of your rigs.

All that is required from the user is to input into the app's settings what coin and address they would like to monitor.

I am in no way affiliated with Flexpool.io, this is just an implementation of their API.

For inquiries, you can email me at ParkerThroneberry@gmail.com, I hope you enjoy it!

catégorieGénéral et utilitaires
offert parParker Throneberry

Général et utilitaires

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