Weather Fit
3 appareils
Installation offerte à partir de
l'app mobile Fitbit
Paiement requis
L'application est payante et gérée par un développeur tiers qui n'est pas approuvé par Fitbit.
Soyez vigilant(e).
Paiement requis
L'application est payante et gérée par un développeur tiers qui n'est pas approuvé par Fitbit.
Soyez vigilant(e).

💳 Cost: $2 💳



⌚ Date and time

🔥 Calories burned

👟 Steps

♥️ Rate Monitor

🌤 Weather (temperature, status, humidity, clarity, wind speed, feels like)



Tap the 👆🏻TOP👆🏻 screen to switch between 'IMPERIAL' and 'METRIC' weather units.

Tap the 👇🏻BOTTOM👇🏻 screen to switch between fitness stats.



👉🏽 Payments and refunds are managed by KiezelPay.

👉🏽 The weather stats will update based on your GPS signal strength, your phone's internet connection and your fitbit device's capability to sync with your smartphone over bluetooth.

👉🏽 Want to unlock a previous purchase? Go here :

👉🏽 Want to get a refund? Go here:

👉🏽 Check our growing Fit Bit gallery at:

🤫 DID YOU KNOW? If you buy a bundle/pack one time, you`ll get all the future clock faces that are currently developed for that pack for💰FREE💰 if the bundle has been purchased once.

Cet affichage heure et statistique nécessite un paiement qui sera géré par le développeur dans l'app


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