Free app to let you leave your Store, Loyalty, Discount, Membership or Emergency cards, with barcodes or QR codes, or photos at home and lighten your wallet, purse, handbag or phone holder.
Instead load watch screen size snapshots of any card Images or photos from your phone onto your watch App for quick access for scanning or proof of identity
Full documentation and tips: https://guytec.com/Fitbit/CardImage.htm
How to use it:
Take pictures of anything you need to access regularly, or even infrequently, Membership cards, Fidelity cards, Identity cards, health cards, travel documents, maps, insurance cards, shopping lists, screenshots of data or important numbers, anything except financial data or privacy data or where magnetic strip or card chip is required
For best best results. crop Images to your watch size and save with a good short name
Sense Versa 3 - 336 x 336
Other Versas - 300 x 300
Ionic - 348 x 250
The app will crop or zoom them, if you haven't, when transferring them.
Open this app on your watch
Open the Fitbit App on your phone and check it is syncing with the watch,
Click profile photo,
Click device photo [check sync here]
Click Gallery tile
Scroll down to this App and click Settings
Enter the short name for an Image
Click "Pick an background Image"
Click "Pick a new Image" and select it from a phone location
Click Done
It will appear on the watch.
Navigating the watch app:
Scroll left or right to see different Images, or tap the screen for the next one
Long press to see a list of files, scroll up/down the face to see the next page of files, [tap to exit list]
Double tap the screen or press the watch button to Exit the App
Last Image displayed is remembered, for instant access on startup.
To remove all the Images from your watch, uninstall the app.
To replace an Image, use the existing short name for the replacement Image name and then restart the app on the watch.
App settings for the watch can be adjusted from the phone, and optionally the time can be shown.
Works on all Sense, Versa 3 and Versa or Ionic watches - note the screen sizes above for best use, especially for QR codes or barcodes.
For backup: copy of all Images you want load in a selected Album on your phone. It makes it easier to select them too.
New January MMXX III V4.2.08 (Ionic & Versa's) or V5.2.08 (Sense & Versa 3)
(Swiss made, in the land of clocks & chocolates)
From the SimpleClock / SimpleApp series = https://tinyurl.com/y2xa8gzq