With the Virtual Partner you can specify a distance and a running time. During the run you can watch whether your virtual partner is in front or you.
During the run below various statistical data is displayed:
After the run a summary screen is shown with the results of the run
Last used settings or result of the run can be saved
This app is a standalone app, so the run is saved by the SmartTrack in the user's activity list.
Startbutton will be shown after GPS connection was established.
You also have the possibility to do the run without GPS by using the "step calculation" of Fitbit.
By now German and English is supported.
Detailed description: www.http://fitbit-dev.com/VirtualPartner-Anleitung/index_vp_en.html
If you like my work I'd be happy about a donation: https://www.paypal.me/fitbitdev
Credits: Thanks to http://www.clipart-kiste.de/archiv/jogging.html for providing the animation!