dall'app mobile Fitbit
Latest incoming Update(2.4): Added temperature option to Sense and Versa 3 (coming soon to other devices)
View all my watch faces @ Mobile: http://bit.ly/watchfacesmobile Desktop: http://bit.ly/watchfacesdesktop
For Ionic/Versa
Small circle moves 60 seconds over 180 degrees
Medium circle moves 60 minutes over 180 degrees
Large circle moves 24 hours over 180 degree
Multiple Colour Choices
AM/PM depending on fitbit account settings
MI/KM depending on fitbit account settings
Icons change colour as you get closer to your goal completion (goals based of your fitbit account settings) Red to Green
These watch faces take valuable time and are made because I like to create so if you like what I do, why not buy me a coffee to help me stay awake and make more....
View all my watch faces @ Mobile: http://bit.ly/watchfacesmobile Desktop: http://bit.ly/watchfacesdesktop