⌚️ Always-on Display compatible – requires Versa 2 and FitbitOS 4.1 with AOD enabled.
Just all your info clearly laid out. A rebirth of another old pebble face, with a few changes.
⚙️ Via clockface settings,
✅ alter the main font,
✅ choose to display the weather condition or city name (under the time)
✅ seconds on/off
✅ change primary colour
✅ change secondary colour (and change HR colour)
✅ line1/line2 - show either city, condition, or leave blank
👆 top left tap = show/hide day
👆 top right tap = show/hide stat nums
🔎 search "chops" in the gallery to see more of my work or go to http://www.chopsfitbitfaces.com 😀
1.99 via kpay, one time purchase, no trial. No cost if you have already purchased "The Lot" bundle https://bit.ly/3kC6ceZ or AOD faces https://bit.ly/36EZVdz