dall'app mobile Fitbit
📝 "Letterfall" is a word-building game. The longer word you make the more scoring points you get. As you add points - you advance in ranks.
⛓️ To create a word - tap anywhere on the game field to select first letter and then build a chain of letters by tapping tiles next to previous one - above/below/left/right/diagonal. You can unselect tiles in reverse order.
🅰️ Watch out for red tiles! They appear if you make too many short words (3-4 letters). If red tile burns to bottom row - the game is over!
👑 Use gold tiles multiply the score. They appear if you make enough long words (5+ letters)
If you're stuck - use game option "Flick wrist to reset board"
"Letterfall" is just $1.89. When you install it - watch will show you code - enter it at https://kzl.io/code to complete purchase. If purchased it already and reinstalling it - visit https://kzl.io/unlock to unlock your purchase