Hike Buddy
6 デバイス
Fitbit モバイルアプリは
このアプリは有料で、Fitbit が承認していないサードパーティの開発者が管理しています。
このアプリは有料で、Fitbit が承認していないサードパーティの開発者が管理しています。

This product requires a one-time payment of $3.75. Or checkout the bundle for a significant saving: https://www.gdcsoft.com/k/F/HikeBuddy Payment handled by Kiezelpay.

Drop a pin where you want and start a hike using this app. Store map reference for points of interest along the way and use the "To dropped pin" feature to navigate back to your dropped pin. Email details of all the points of interest to yourself when you get home. Main display shows a readable analogue clock face along with hike time and hike distance while hiking.


To drop a pin; scroll down to the very bottom of the app and click "Drop pin" to set the pin to the current location.

To navigate back to your dropped pin; scroll down to the "To dropped pin" screen. The right-hand side shows distance and bearing from your current location to where you dropped your pin where 0° is due North and 90° is due East, 270° is due West.

To hike; scroll down to "Hike manager" screen and click "Start hike" to begin hiking. Click "Stop hike" when you finish your day.

To add a point of interest; scroll down to the "Places of interest" screen and click "Add POI". You can add up to ten different locations. If you store the same location twice, the list will be filtered to store only the most recent one. If you store more than ten locations, the oldest location will be removed to make space for the new one.

To export saved locations to email; go to app settings in the Fitbit app on your phone and click on the "Send POI by email" link.


1. Clock display screen that shows current time, date and distance / duration of your hike

2. Current GPS location displayed as both "plus code" and latitude, longitude coordinates

3. Dropped pin displayed as "plus code" along with distance and bearing from current location to dropped pin

4. Add places of interest along your hike

5. Drop a pin at any location you want

6. Email all points of interest to yourself using the link in settings when you get home


This app relies heavily on GPS location. If your watch uses "Connected GPS" you will need to have your phone with you to allow the app to read the current location.

🙋 I have included an email link in settings so you can let me know directly about anything you think I need to know about this app or any problems you encounter.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Good reviews are always welcome, bug reports should be sent directly to me - I cannot fix any problems unless you tell me about them! 😊

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