This is a paid clock face: $3.29
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🎥CLOCK FACE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/0ujHVXILRu4
View two stats at the same time with Duo Digital! Duo Digital is a bright, bold, clock face with large text. View steps, heart rate, calories, distance, active zone minutes, floors, or weather and temperature in either the large left area or near the bottom.
✨7 bold color themes to choose from
👟Tap to change stat shown. View steps, calories, distance, floors (if available), Active Zone Minutes, weather, or heart rate
🏅View the progress to your fitness goals of fitness stat shown in large left area
🌦View local weather and temperature (location permission required)
♥View your current heart rate
🔋Battery gauge at the top
⚙Customize color and appearance right on your watch with the Clock Style Editor. Tap the three dots at the bottom-left to open the editor
🕑12-hour and 24-hour support
⌚View more of my clock faces: https://datyell.com/appgallery
🛍Shop clock face bundles and save: https://datyell.com/appbundles
📷Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/datyell_design/
📺YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Datyell/
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