Pride Stat bars
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결제 방법 필요
이 앱은 결제해야 하며, Fitbit에서 보증하지 않는 타사 개발자가 관리합니다.
주의해서 진행하세요.

Pride Stat Bars available for Versa, Versa 2, Versa 3, Sense.

Large display digital time. Displays battery, heart rate and day of the week/date.

Stat bars fill up when completing goals for:

- steps

- calories

- distance

- active mins

- floor

Clock face available for one off payment of $1.38. Please see details below.

1. Go to

2. Enter the code displayed on your watch and follow the steps shown on the page

Already purchased? Go here:

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can issue a refund by following the instructions provided here: .

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