Football Juge App
Gottfried Hauer
2개의 기기
Fitbit 모바일 앱에서
설치 가능앱 열기

Select Judge

- Linejude

- Backjudge

- Umpire

- Backjudge 40, and 25 second countdown timer

- Umpire 65 and 55 second countdown timer

Game Clock Features

- select different playtimes or use an individual playtime

- start/stop the clock using the upper-right button to start and lower-right to stop timer

- additional button to save gamescore

- vibration at 5:00

- countdown timer beginning at 2:05 to 2:00

- countdown timer beginning at 0:05 to 0:00

- add 10 seconds by pressing the start Icon for more than two second

- add 1 minute by pressing the start Icon for more than five second

- sub 10 seconds by pressing the pause icon for more than one second

- sub 1 minute by pressing the pause Icon for more than five second

there is a haptical feedback at 40, 20, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 seconds on every timer.

Also before two minute warning

세부 정보
카테고리General & Utilities
제공:Gottfried Hauer

General & Utilities

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