Jason Olsen
4개의 기기
Fitbit 모바일 앱에서
설치 가능

This app is a basic Triathlon app that will record all phases of your Triathlon including transitions. It will then display your times for each leg on the finish screen and give you your finish times for the race.

Tap the lower right button or the next leg icon on your watch to move between legs. You can also configure a short mantra or reminder for each leg within the app settings.

Want to see all of my watch faces and apps? Search for my last name Olsen in the Fitbit Gallery!

All of my apps are free however it does take a good amount of personal time to create and maintain them.

If you like this app, please consider buying me a cup of coffee.

If you don’t think a cup of coffee is your thing but would like to still show your support you can donate what you think it's worth on my direct page.

Thank you for your support!

Need Help? Check out my support page.

세부 정보
카테고리Health & Fitness
제공:Jason Olsen

Health & Fitness

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