Use your Ionic to find the closest stations to find a bike to rent or an available stand to return your bike!
"Share a bike" uses geolocation to find your gps position and public API's to get stations data.
It works in:
* Boston - Hubway
* London - Barclays Cycle Hire (Boris Bike)
* Lyon - Velov
* Minneapolis - Nice Ride
* Montreal - Bixi
* Ottawa - Capital Bixi
* New York City - NYC Citi Bike
* Paris - Velib
* San Francisco - Bay Area Bike Share
* Toronto - Bixi
* Washington DC - Capital Bikeshare
* And many other cities: http://shareabike.jayps.fr/map.php
Data provided by original providers or http://api.citybik.es/v2/
"bike share location" icon by Bence Bezeredy from thenounproject.com.