설치 가능
Christmas Flash, normal watch face by day, Flashing Lights and Flashing Text by night. You can now have a watch face to match everyone houses during the festive period, with lights flashing every where.
This watch face is free to those who own the 'Weather Bundle' or 'Clean Bundle' .
Choose between blue or red background , view all your daily stats by clicking the top right hand of the screen (this is to prevent accidentally tapping the whole screen)
Agenda is also viewable on screen tap.
3 hr trial for everyone, install here https://bit.ly/ooh-Flashy
Weather Bundle here, http://bit.ly/weatherbundlemuzzer
Clean Bundle here, https://bit.ly/cleanbundlemuzzer
View all my watch faces here : http://bit.ly/watchfacesmobile
Weather provided by OpenWeather