Cost - $1.35 + local taxes. Also available in bundles: http://tiny.cc/ywaj6y
All my clocks: http://bit.ly/2QUjXu9
Website: https://www.bvdesigns.info
Displays information in digits in blocks of configurable colours. PLEASE NOTE: The last two views are merely guides to show what the figures mean and will not be seen on the actual clock.
- Reverse mode (colour text on black background).
- First view - time, date, weather, minutes and floors (except Versa Lite). Tap the bottom to see second view - HR, steps, calories and distance. Tap again to cycle.
- Floors only displayed when batt and temp are less than 3 digits (< 100% & 100F).
- Date format, update per second, battery, BT indicator, vibration, 12/24 hr (Fitbit profile)
- AOD enabled (Versa 2 only) (may affect battery)
Weather provided by OpenWeatherMap. Choice of frequency updates. C/F in settings menu.