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Denne appen krever betaling og administreres av en tredjeparts utvikler som ikke er anbefalt av Fitbit.
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THETTMM 5.0 is a clock face with AOD feature and an annual weather subscription plan, exclusive to the Fitbit Versa Sense and Fitbit Versa 3. The watch face is a one-time fee of $ 4.99 and includes access to weather information and detailed air quality information for 12 months.


Analog clock face with complications, weather conditions, UV radiation, and Air Quality views, weather alerts, and chimes. Tap complications to set them. Go to SETTINGS and turn on UV and AQ complications. To display weather information correctly, grant internet access and GPS position. Also please go to Settings on your iPhone and grant permanent location access to the Fitbit app.


TTMM-S for Fitbit Versa clock face collection has been awarded in several international design competitions.

©️ 2020 Albert Salamon. All rights reserved. TTMM is a registered trademark of TTMM in the European Union and other countries.

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