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Privat app
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Betaling kreves
Denne appen krever betaling og administreres av en tredjeparts utvikler som ikke er anbefalt av Fitbit.
Vær forsiktig.
Privat app
Fitbit har ikke sett gjennom innholdet.
Installer kun apper fra klarerte kilder.
Betaling kreves
Denne appen krever betaling og administreres av en tredjeparts utvikler som ikke er anbefalt av Fitbit.
Vær forsiktig.

Aquatick is a clock face with all the stats and info you could want!

Showing the time in analog and digital, the date, day of week and battery level. Also all the stats: steps, heart rate, active minutes and calories burned.

Aquatick connects to DarkSky for the weather. A quick glance will let you know conditions like sunny, rainy, cloudy, foggy, and more!

The weather shown is today's top temperature along with the next two days. You can change today's top weather to the current weather in the Settings.

Take control with settings in the Fitbit mobile app to change the two main screen colours and clock hands.Pick from six different icon packs for the weather. Switch between Active Minutes and Floors.

Enable / disable any of the info on the clock face using the Settings. Note the Fitbit Versa Lite does not support floors.

Check out the website for more clocks or even buy a pack of clock faces at

*Requires a $2.49 one-time K-Pay payment after a free 1 hour trial.

Denne urskiven krever en betaling som administreres av utvikleren i appen.


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