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Betaling kreves
Denne appen krever betaling og administreres av en tredjeparts utvikler som ikke er anbefalt av Fitbit.
Vær forsiktig.
Betaling kreves
Denne appen krever betaling og administreres av en tredjeparts utvikler som ikke er anbefalt av Fitbit.
Vær forsiktig.

🦄Help the unicorn to jump over the river and complete the rainbow by achieving you daily goals.

🌈 Chose which goals you want to track and switch the current goal by double tapping the lower right screen corner.

👟 Select from steps, burned calories, distance, active minutes and floors.

🏆 Earn a trophy if you reach all your selected goals.

⏱️ Select "seconds" as a special goal if you need the precise time or just want to see a jumping unicorn.

📅 Date at the top.

❤️ Heart rate at the bottom left.

🎨 Time color is customizable.

⭐ Optional overview of your activities.

🔋 Optional battery level indicator at the top left.

👀 Optional "always-on" mode for the display.

🖼️ Graphics created by freepik - www.freepik.com

💲 The clock face is free if you bought my bundle, otherwise you can purchase it for a single payment of $1.49 + taxes (PayPal or CC).

🔍 Also check out my other clock faces and apps!

🐦 Follow me on Twitter so you don't miss any updates or news: @morristimmtc

Denne urskiven krever en betaling som administreres av utvikleren i appen.


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