de mobiele Fitbit-app
Weather for your current USA location or ZipCode
Swipe right to view Seven Day Forecast
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Scroll down to view:
- Brief Weather Description
- Current Temperature
- Temperature with Wind Chill or Heat Index
- Cloud Cover as a percentage
- Wind Speed
- Wind Direction
- Rain Precipitation
- Snow Precipitation
- Humidity as a percentage
- UV Index
- Visibility
- Barometric Pressure
- Dew Point
- Sunrise and Sunset Time
Swipe right for 7 day forecast:
- High and Low Temperatures
- Image depicting Weather Condition
- Brief Forecast Description
Clear layout, large and easy to read
Customize in Fitbit App
Select units:
- Temperature in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit
- Wind Speed in m/s or mph
- Precipitation in mm or inches
- Visibility in km or miles
- Barometric Pressure in HPa, mmHg, inHg, or psi
Weather USA is designed for USA only
Data sourced from weather.gov