7 urządzeń
Dostępne do zainstalowania z
aplikacji mobilnej Fitbit

Free multipurpose clock face with nifty rotating screen for quick sports mode or every day use - See full documentation

-Digital Sports view [initial default] displaying large easy to read colourful essential sports information, without needing to start an Exercise, rotated especially for using a Chest strap, Big heart rate numbers. See

-Every day Digital view with full abbreviated date texts for easy transcribing and configurable stats

-Analog view, with stats in dual mode, [best with default display timeout of > 10s]

Easy to switch between views and to rotate views from Sports View.

It can be good for people with tattoos as it gives more places to wear the watch

Can be convenient for measuring steps when pushing trolleys or hands are not fully free, giving more accurate heart rate results on a chest strap, as well as steps and floors

Can be used on wrist, with arm band or chest strap

Cover the watch with your hand to turn off display.

12/24 hr mode - to change format, visit Fitbit App App settings

2 different date text formats - based on "language by region/country" supports Dutch, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Swedish or otherwise defaults to English

Version and current language shown briefly at start

with 3 fixed stats,

Heart rate [red]

Battery [green, or low warning orange or red]

Steps [cyan]

+ 1 configurable [by default is Floors] top right.

Double tap top right value - it will flash

While flashing each tap will advance to the next value of the following items

Floors [yellow]

Calories [turquoise]

Distance [orange]

Active Zone minutes [pink]

Tap on the Hour to see an Analog view and on it's background to get Digital view again.

Tap on the Minute to see the Sports view and on it's background to get Digital view again.

Double Tap Sports view to change rotation of all views.

mehrsprachige deutsche Kurzdaten

fechas abreviadas multilingües en español

dates multilingues français abrégées

italiano multilingue date abbreviate

meertalige Nederlandse verkorte data

flerspråklige norske forkortede datoer

flerspråkiga svenska förkortade datum

New February MMXX IV Vx.1.26 Sense 2, Sense, Versa 4, Versa 3, Versa 2, Versa's (not I_onic)

Inspired by secretary Nikki

SimpleClock series

