Neon USA
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Wymagana płatność
Ta aplikacja jest płatna i zarządza nią zewnętrzny podmiot, który nie został zatwierdzony przez Fitbit.
Należy zachować ostrożność.

Look vibrant with the Neon USA Watch!

Neon signs (once called 'liquid fire'), are colourful, fun and part of vintage Americana.

The cost is ONLY $2 and can be purchased with a credit card or PayPal through KPAY.

Please tap the watch to see the metrics on the screen.

The watch face also includes:

-🎨 Custom numbers, hands, date and metric colors

-📆 Current date

-👟 Steps

-❤️ Heart rate

-⏱️ Active minutes

-🔥 Calories

-🔋 Battery level

*** To customize the clock design settings ***

1. Open the Fitbit App on your Phone

2. Press Clock Faces

3. Press the 3 DOTS in the RIGHT CORNER to access settings

4. Press Settings

5. Use the color selection options

For more Apps see:


Neon Sign History

French inventor and engineer Georges Claude created the first neon lamp, which he presented to the public at the Paris Motor Show in 1910 and received a U.S. patent in 1915. The technology spread across the United States, where businesses, from the 1920s to the 1960s, touted signs made with the "liquid fire."

Tags: U.S.A, Las Vegas, United States, UK, Australia, girl, boy, men, women, heart, run, simple, fit, clean, digital, 20collins

Ta tarcza zegara wymaga płatności , za którą odpowiada wyłącznie jej twórca.

