4 urządzenia
Dostępne do zainstalowania z
aplikacji mobilnej Fitbit

A beautiful analog clock with a choice of Roman numerals or classic Numbers designed to best match the Versa/Ionic shape, optional colors, on screen reminder messages to Drink or Move. Automatic night mode colors.

An easy one touch access to the digital SimpleClock, including settings for Reminders to Move at 40', 50' and 55 minutes & repetitive Drink reminders with log, superb Watch usage & Battery health management & alerts, log of chargings, estimated time to full charge, always on display while charging. Plus steps for every hour overview, hourly Chime & Pulse.

Best of both worlds, free!

Analog touch zones:

- 12 o'clock - toggle mini embedded digital display

- 6 o'clock - toggle Roman/numbers face

- 9 o'clock position to change digit / hand colors, - once to see chosen color name, - again to change or back button or lower wrist to stop color change process

- Centre hub - switch to Digital - click on Hour to get back to Analog.

Multiple background touch to Digital & back at night, to toggle on/off night Hand colors.

Tips and learn how to use features in:

Please switch to the newer and better free version, SimpleClockPro

New April MMXX I v4.3.60

(Swiss Made, in the land of clocks)

