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0.3 version
Today Weather
Touch areas indicator
Available in English Italian Spanish German
Main screen: displays the time with or without stats (battery heart rate and choosen stat)
Secondary screen (automatically displayed after x seconds): date, battery level with autonomy in days (number of icons on the left), BPM with heart zone (number of hearts on the left) and choosen stat
Double touch on
- top left corner: battery and synchronization information screen
- top right corner: switch between
• Day
• Auto (automatic screen switching in day / night according to customized time)
• Night (figures in gray, minimum lighting)
- bottom right corner: screen with all the stats, their level of progress and choice of the value to put in main and secondary screen (key on the top to choose and the bottom to validate)
- bottom left corner: settings menu:
• colors (6 colors available)
• night start and end times
• display time of the secondary screen