A watchface that displays quick info available to the Fitbit. Goal text will change color when that goal is completed. Battery text will change color and background depending on charging state, and voltage level. A paid version will be released soon, that will allow customisability of colors, font size, goals, goal progress bars and so on.
1st Row: YYYY-MM-DD
2nd Row: hh:mm:ss
3rd Row: Timestamp, Current time in UTC (hh:mm:ss), UTC offset
4th Row: Divider line
5th Row: Current heart rate, Resting heart rate
6th Row: Current steps/Daily step goal
7th Row: Current calories/Daily calory goal
8th Row: Current distance/Daily distance goal
9th Row: Current floors/Daily floor goal. Last synced to phone (in minutes)
10th Row: Current air pressure in Pascals
11th Row: Battery and charging state