A clock face for Fitbit Sense, modeled after the legendary Pip-Boy from the Fallout Series by Bethesda.
Welcome... to Vault 663.
Vault Boy with limb health bars for the proper Pip-Boy feel
You may type in your name to signify that you own this Fitboy
Distance in kilometers or miles
Active zone in minutes
Calories burn in kcal
Elevation in floors
Steps in... well... steps
Heart rate in bpm
Resting heart rate in the bottom left-hand corner, marked as HP
Weight in the bottom right-hand corner, in kilograms, pounds, or stones
Battery charge
Primary goal tracking within the LEVEL progress bar
Color Schemes:
Fallout 4 (#16FF42)
Fallout: New Vegas (#FFB641)
Fallout 3 (#1AFF80)
Many other colors, including all the colors of the rainbow
Displays "> CHARGING ..." when charging
Displays "> USER NOT DETECTED" when not on wrist - also hides the vault boy and name
Github Repo: https://github.com/morgosus/fit-boy
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MartinToms