SOS Support
Joshua Greaves
4 dispozitive
Disponibil pentru instalare din
aplicația mobilă Fitbit

The SOS support app plans to add a range of features that will help you in times where time is essential. Currently, we include a CPR pulse rate and timer with a passion to add many more features.

Current Features:

- CPR Timer [Vibrate at 110 BPM, a toggleable reminder for rescue breathes, count of compressions & timer]

Features to Add:

- Timer

- Emergency information

+ Signs of illness

+ Emergency numbers / procedures.

CPR Note:

10 minutes of CPR (with RB) = ~3% battery on a Versa

This advises you on how quickly you should make compressions, it does not teach you how to complete CPR - you should know this already. The vibrations will NOT work if the battery is too low as Fitbit disabled vibrations.

categorieHealth & Fitness
oferit deJoshua Greaves

Health & Fitness

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