мобильного приложения Fitbit
Track either 40/25 Play Clock or Game Clock.
40/25 Play Clock Features:
- 60, 40, and 25 second countdown timer
- start a timer by tapping it, or use the upper-right button to start 40 and lower-right button to start 25
- track team time-outs; if timeouts left, 60s timer is started
- play counter - the number of times 40 or 25 play clock is started and the ability to set the play counter manually
Game Clock Features
- start/stop the clock by tapping the clock, or use the upper-right button to start and lower-right to stop timer
- selected Quarter Length in minutes
- track home and visitor timeouts and scores, and quarter
- visible and haptic feedback at under 2:00 in Q2 and Q4; visible feedback under 1:00 and visible and haptic feedback the last 5 seconds
Back button (the left button)
- will go Back one screen w/o saving
- use the Settings button in Fitbit Apps
For more detailed information, please visit http://4025playclockapp.org or email info@4025playclockapp.org